
Coach Mo- Future Fitness Superstar

Last month, June 2019, Mo hit his one year mark training at McCohn Muscle, the top training facility in Worthington, Ohio.

There had never been a trainer that lasted longer than three months with us, so naturally Mo has created more IMPACT on our fitness family than anyone else other than Q.

From his first full day as a trainer, Mo has brought a unique set of gifts to our training family. First he is sculpted better than the ancient Roman and Greek statues, and it shows his obsession of putting himself through grueling workouts and practicing disciplined nutrition. His physical appearance represents the way a trainer should look.


His workouts and training style don’t just come out of thin air either. He learned different training styles from working at a gym and observing how serious competitors and power lifters came in and maximized their training with the equipment they had available to them. Mo has a gift of creating exercises for “hard to reach muscle groups” using equipment outside what it was originally intended for.

He’s also shown different ways to use resistance bands for training. For many years, McCohn mostly used bands for basic resistance moves and stretching. After Mo started, it became a common thing to turn basic moves into exceptional ones by adding resistance bands.

Even though Mo is not loud and ra-ra, he still has lots of enthusiasm, and he loves to have fun even if he looks a little silly in the process.

It is uncommon for someone so young to be so good at training. Working at McCohn Muscle and helping the diverse group of people that train here has helped Mo develop his skills in coaching, his ability to deliver challenging workouts, and his voice in the fitness industry.

Even while training mornings and evenings at McCohn Muscle, and sprinting the home stretch of his Public Health degree at Ohio State, Mo hasn’t lost his passion for the pump. After attending the IDEA World Fitness Convention for the first time in Anaheim, CA, Mo stayed in Cali and worked out at the legendary Gold’s Gym on Venice Beach.


Q. McCohn told Mo one time that he would break down walls in the fitness industry. We’re not saying that he’s a dangerous force, but there wasn’t anything on the news about earthquakes in California this year until Mo went out there.

It’s important to know that Mo has had his challenges like the rest of us. He wasn’t born on swoll. He did not just show up with six packs abs and cuts in his legs. He was a small, skinny dude that had a hard time gaining weight. He made the decision to be disciplined with his training regimen and nutrition, and that’s why he’s on the level his is today. Just like he made the decision to take action, you can do it too.

Mo, we appreciate all the gifts and good energy you bring to McCohn Muscle, and the strides you make to for the best team of personal trainers in Columbus. Hopefully we will continue to build on this momentum for many years to come.
