Unleash the Q

My goal with this information is to give you knowledge to defend yourself against disease, illness, allergies, environmental factors, etc. I am not suggesting you take this supplement, but if you think it would be good for you, do your own research on it. Take it to your doctor and ask them if it would be beneficial for you to use. If they cannot give you an answer as to why or why not, consider finding a new doctor.

Let’s talk about Quercetin for a minute. It is a carbon structure found in plants. A FLAVONOID found in different foods and herbs. I emphasize FLAVONOID because scientific research has proved flavonoids to be highly effective at preventing spread of cancers.

Quercetin is an antioxidant, meaning it protects your DNA, cells, and cellular matrix. It is an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. Elevates mitochondria.

Uses: allergies, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, colds, heart health, stuffy, runny nose, itchy eyes, hay fever (nanoparticles, epigenetics).

2013 Iran study: 500mg + 250mg Vitamin C increased metabolism, lean mass, energy expenditure. Small benefits to endurance capacity and performance.

2017 China study: protects liver from alcohol induced injuries. Alcohol responsible for 3% deaths/year.

2018 China study: used quercetin to treat liver fibrosis. Results: dramatically improved liver inflammation, fibrosis, and inhibited HSC (hepatic stellate cell) activation in treated mice.

2016 Brain study, India: found quercetin effective against neurodegeneration. Neurodegeneration is the progressive deterioration of structure and function of neurons, leading to Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Huntingtons. In present day, this can be caused by oxidative stress (mask wearing) and mitochondrial dysfunction (injections)

It takes hours to research supplements and cross reference. I invite you to do your own research and validation. As I continue to post, I will link more references. The point is, don’t just take my word for it. Look up the information for yourself
