First things first…..
Never miss a workout unless absolutely necessary
Don’t flush your progress down the drain. Starting fitness programs are like dating a hot, new prospect. You gotta take it one step at a time. Be consistent.
Example: a young lady texted us and said she was sore and wanted to skip her training. We convinced her to come in with her sore legs, and gave her a sore upper body and abs to match. Now she has earned that rest day, and she’ll be ready to train again the day after. Don’t tell yourself, “just this one time.” It will become that one day, possibly the next day, and then the week after that if you’re not careful.
Heather knows not to skip a workout unless it’s absolutely necessary.
2. Avoid food and drinks with high amount of salt and sodium nitrate.
This applies to processed food, restaurant food, soft drinks, etc. Foods in a can, box, or jar are usually going to be your processed food. It’s also likely that you will see salt as one of the first three ingredients on the packaging. Salt causes big time water retention which can make you look puffy and bloated.
3. Avoid refined sugar.
The average American consumes 160lbs of sugar per year, and it goes right into the bloodstream. The pancreas releases insulin causing moodiness, irritability, depression, and lethargy among other things. So when you have all of this going on in your body, the last thing you want to do is go and exercise. Now there is no way to lose weight. Sugar also prevents absorption of nutrients, causes tooth decay, it’s all bad. Avoid sugar.
4. People will say you gotta get sleep, but I will phrase it differently; hyperactivity and an inability to deal with stress will keep you from losing weight quickly.
What they do is prevent you from digesting food properly. Remember “it’s not about what you eat, it’s about what you digest.” I recently had a young man come up to me in the gym with tears in his eyes. He was explaining how hard his journey is and the things going on at home. It all was boiling down to his inability to deal with stress. This is why we need to lift weights, go for runs/bike rides, have meditation/prayer time, read books, write out emotions, etc. because that helps us deal with the stress. It’s all about finding a balance.
5. Calories in, calories out
Some people will say this is the basic one, the only one. If you consume more calories that you burn you won’t lose weight quickly. It’s simple, basic. The caveat is that you cannot do this forever. Eventually you will need a surplus of calories to keep your body from adapting. Contact me for a customized meal plan.