Why the 1970s Food Pyramid Doesn't Apply Today?


If you “google” the Food Pyramid, you might read that it started in 1992. This is likely the time America put it into circulation, but it was an invention by the Swedish in the 1970s.

The food pyramid was taught to kids in the school system and parents/adults were trained on it too. It may have provided a balanced diet for those times, but we are in a different place today and that paradigm of thinking is no longer beneficial. Consider first, that your grains, breads, pasta, cereal, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, mullet, etc is sprayed with Monsanto RoundUp glyphosate.

I provided a few links in my last post about RoundUp, so you can check those out. This is a pesticide being sprayed all over our grains and has been connected to every chronic health disease imaginable including: a variety of cancers, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, autism, diabetes, digestive disorders, and many more. It also punishes the soil and our environment.

So to have 6-11 servings a day of foods saturated in glyphosate, is a recipe for immune system disaster. Today these foods (grains, rice, pasta cereal) should be at the very top of the pyramid. Not to mention the majority of these foods in America are genetically modified. That’s a double whammy; genetically modified foods sprayed with poisonous chemicals.

Fruits and vegetables aren’t what they used to be either. The best way, in my humble opinion, to get the most out of your fruits and vegetables is to juice them, them filter the juice. This will significantly decrease the metals from chemtrails and the herbicides/pesticides sprayed on the food from entering your body.

Go get you an $11 30x or 60x scope like the jewelers use. Next time you’re in the produce section comb over all your fruits and vegetables with that scope. You may see some black shiny crystals forming on your apples that shouldn’t be there. You may see the same thing on your green leafy spinach. It’s a travesty, and we should be pissed about it!

I am a believer in consuming more of the fruits with protective coverings, such as: pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, watermelon, banana. But even these fruits can be damaged to the core. Have you ever peeled back an orange that looked fine but was moldy and damaged at it’s core?

This is because of the metals that have penetrated the orange, or better yet, what may have gotten into the orange at the beginning of it’s growth. This issue is caused by the geoengineering of our environment, also known as chemtrails. It damages the soil, our crops, and the air we breath.

Dairy and meat. There used to be many health benefits in meat and dairy, and there still is. Meat/protein is what helps keep our muscles, bones, and cells strong, while providing our bodies with the thermogenic effect to burn fat. The best thing we can do is find meat that hasn’t been loaded with antibiotics and hormones used to stimulate growth. If we purchase the meat that is grass fed instead of corn fed it is a big win for our health.

Our dairy has been messed with tremendously. Raw milk used to be prescribed to handle all kinds of diseases and ailments back in the 1800 and early 1900s. The problem today is that most cows are fed genetically modified corn instead of grass, and the milk from the cow is being pasteurized and homogenized. This is why we have lactose intolerance among other issues when it comes to consuming dairy. Did you know that the good bacteria in probiotic supplements can be found in raw milk. Did you know essential amino acids are packed into cow’s milk? The problem is not the cow, it’s what man has done to the cow.

When it comes to seafood, white fish is where it’s at. Understand when you consume foods like shrimp, calamari, clams, crabs etc. you are consuming the bottom feeders of the ocean. They have the filtering process built in to rid themselves of the waste they eat. Do you have that system?

Obviously you know that dangers of sugar so I won’t touch on that, but lets discuss the oils at the top of the pyramid. It says “use sparingly.” I say if it’s coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, as well as natural butter, use them more than sparingly. Cook your meat and potatoes in these things. Fats also make a great delivery system for essential oils and herbs.

The oils also provide us with healthy calories. They transport your protein, nourish your skin, hair, and nails. Healthy fats also boost heart and brain health. Throw out the canola and vegetable oils, and cook with one of the oils mentioned above or with bison and duck fat.

If you want to schedule a nutrition consultation with McCohn, just email quentin@mccohnmuscle.com and we’ll get you set up. See you in the gym soon!