Overweight mother of 2 — McCohn Muscle


What are you trying to do, overweight, mother of 2?

Do you walk about with the upmost confidence? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you have to buy a new wardrobe because your clothes don't fit? Damn, that's a tough one. Are you hiding in the house because you don't feel comfortable about going out?

I believe everyone should be confident in their own bodies. It's one of my philosophies: train like a sprinter, not a long distance runner. It's not about what you eat, it's about what you digest. AND I believe everyone should feel confident in their own bodies. 

You are not the problem. I repeat, you are not the problem! Your inactivity and lack of exercise is the problem. Your highly hormonal, highly processed, chemical laden, soy based food supply is the problem. That thought that you don't deserve it, or you can't do it, THAT'S THE PROBLEM!

A change in what you eat, a shift in mindset, and some commitment to workout out will get you almost everything you want. 

I understand it, I've experienced it, and I've dedicated my life to helping people make that change. My partner Jay has too. I mean, we have never stressed about losing baby fat before, but we've both have been overweight, high body fat, and felt comfortable. 

What are you trying to do, overweight, mother of 2? 

Are you trying to regain your confidence....like the mother of 2 pictured above, in the gym doing box jumps, running sprints, and lifting weights while setting performance and weight loss personal bests. 

Or like one of our other mothers that has lost over 50lbs with us, and now she sending pictures of her working out on the beach with family while on vacation. 

Click this link, or email me and let's get you feeling good again.

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