McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- March 2021


Her trainer has a bit of a problem. He has a few tendencies that a perfectionist has, so he will write and redo, write and redo. Sometimes put things off until the perfect words or ideas for presentation come along. The thing is, it’s not necessary to be perfect. You just need to tell the story.

Kim’s story is about hard work and dedication, as well as multi-tasking which all of us can relate to. Now, I want to tell you Kim’s age, but I’ll let her share that herself. I started teasing her a couple years ago when she was planning her oldest daughter’s wedding. I told her that she was going to be a grandma soon, and guess what, she’s going to be a grandma soon. Like summer 2021 soon. 

How many grandmas do you know have arm tone like that, seriously? You should see her back muscles, especially when she’s doing pull ups. She started off in one of our 6 Week Transformation programs in 2018. She didn’t have those outstanding results like 10lbs weight loss and 4% body fat loss, but this is where the story of hard work and dedication kicks in. She did drop 10lbs her first year and never gained them back. She keeps her weight under control with hard work and consistency. Her body fat stays in the healthy range under 27%. Her BMI is nowhere near obese, and yes, some of that is her ectomorphic body type; but it’s also hard work and consistency. 

She’s improved her stamina. That was one of her goals when she started. She can knock out over 10 uninterrupted minutes on the stairmaster. She was running those incline sprints last month, the ones with 7-9% incline, she was running those at 7mph speed. Not bad grandma.

She’s fun, friendly, and fit and a great model for someone that is willing to “go for it.” 

Now earlier this year she went on a solid run. She increased her training from 3x/week to 4x. Her goal was to look her best at her younger daughter’s wedding. What do you think?


Besides her daily work schedule She’s been staying pretty busy with weddings, planning weddings, and graduation, and baby showers. It’s been fascinating for her trainer with perfectionist tendencies to watch Kim work. While staying positive and upbeat. Hard work and consistency is the name of the game. If you don’t have it, you’re not going to be a gorgeous grandma with muscles.