
McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- January 2021


It has been a long time since we’ve had the Client of the Month and 2021 felt like a good time to start back up. We’ve had some strong performances at McCohn Muscle to close out 2020. We had four elite performers in our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge. We have people training for special competitions and half marathons. We’ve also had a couple of people endure car accidents and come back stronger than they were before. It’s amazing to see what people are doing here.

We are going to kick off 2021 by celebrating the success of Faiza Haddad. Her mission and IG handle go hand in hand, @tobefitinayear She wanted to drop weight and improve her overall health. Her journey was not easy. At the beginning we just wanted her to be consistent with her training, exercising at the gym three times per week. After a few months she knew she had to make changes to her eating habits for better results. She was eating too many carbs, not eating at the right times, and consuming too much processed food.

Faiza hired help from a nutrition coach to improve her relationship with food, learn how to eat properly and make better decisions. Altogether with her nutrition program and McCohn Muscle Training she has dropped 34lbs, strengthened her body, and decreased her body aches. She also feels less stressed and has more positive energy everyday.

Her goal moving forward is to drop 15 more pounds and tone and strength her arms. She also plans to use what she has learned from her nutrition program to continue her journey of improvement. I asked her what is one piece of advice she would give someone that has been contemplating whether they should start a training program. Her reply:

“start ASAP!!! The sooner you start the better you will feel!!! Find a meal plan that fits your life style that will help get to your results faster. If you have an off day with not going to the gym or not following your meal plan just restart the next day. Consistency is KEY! Results are not overnight, be kind to yourself and your body.”

Congratulations on all the amazing work Faiza. Many people can draw inspiration from your story.

June 2019- Client of the Month

Five years later……she’s earned Client of the Month again!

Five years later……she’s earned Client of the Month again!

Jess has been working with the best trainers in Columbus since February 2013. When she started she was over 200lbs, and 40% body fat. After training hard for over a year she earned McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- June 2014. She dropped 8lbs, 6.5% body fat and improved her 1-mile run time by four minutes. You can read more about her first success story here:


There was a lengthy amount of time after her accomplishments where Jess was training to stay fit and healthy, but wasn’t locked all the way in on her nutrition. We all know what that’s like. She also was not getting pushed to be her best and receiving inspiration from her coach like she should have.

So that took us back to the drawing board starting with Gameplan 2019. In January, almost 30 McCohn Muscle members signed up for their “gameplan.” They met with Q. McCohn for an hour or more to go deep and write down goals, the amount of time they wanted to achieve them by, the action steps they would take to get there, and an affirmation that they could accomplish it.

Then they got to work!

Then they got to work!

For Jess, consistency is the name of the game. She set a goal to lose 10lbs by the end of March, and she dropped 15lbs. She also had a goal to cut another 10lbs by the end of June, and she hit that mark before the month of May was over. Overall she’s down 22lbs, 3% body fat, and 4 inches. Besides the stronger legs and less pain in her joints, Jess has enjoyed her improved cardiovascular endurance.

Q. McCohn says that his favorite part of Jess’s journey was the day before her birthday, at his wedding. He walked across the room to pay Jess a compliment after noticing her in a pretty blue dress. She told him that she’s had the dress for 10 years and had never worn it. She cut the tags off it that morning.


There is still more work to do. Jess isn’t going to quit now, but she deserves the recognition for not being average. The average person doesn’t follow through with the health and fitness plans they make after the new year. The average person does not train with McCohn Muscle for over six years, and the average person will give up after setbacks and become complacent. Jess is still striving for overall health and fitness improvement. Congratulations Jess on being McCohn Muscle’s first 2x Client of the Month.

Mo has handled a lot of Jess’s training in 2019. Props to you both. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Mo has handled a lot of Jess’s training in 2019. Props to you both. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Tips to Eliminate "Toxic Time"

I met with a very valuable client this morning and she has been struggling recently to regain momentum. She was late to our appointment because she had trouble sleeping and was up half the night. She drank more coffee than usual the prior day and hasn’t been to the gym in over a week.

She didn’t travel for the holidays so I believed there was no excuse to miss her training sessions when we were scheduled. I also immediately believed that she would not have needed that extra coffee if she’d made her workout times @McCohnMuscle.

I asked her what she did at night when she couldn’t sleep. Her answer: TV.

She confessed that not only has she been watching too much TV, but she’s been binge watching shows she’s already seen! To top it off, she admitted to turning the TV on so she could scroll through her cell phone.

She named it “Toxic Time.”

Lord knows your favorite trainer enjoys a good movie. It’s a way to escape the stress that tugs on me everyday, enjoy entertainment, and visit a “new world.” Watching a good ball game is another way to relax, but once you start watching the ball game, then the highlights, then the guys talking about the ball game, and onto another game…..you’re doing a bit too much.

Here are some ways binge-watching negatively impacts health:

  • weight gain and obesity

  • increased struggles with cardio

  • lower sperm counts

  • antisocial behavior in children

Here are a few ways cell phone use effects health:

  • weight gain

  • shortened attention span

  • causing car crashes

  • increased anxiety

  • tech neck (increased kyphosis)

Both of these lists are relatively long when you research. It’s obvious the risks of excessive use of our phones and TVs far outweigh the benefits.

I’ll show you a few ways to cut down on your Toxic Time and turn up on the person you really desire to be.

  1. Turn your phone off an hour before you go to bed and don’t turn it back on until you are finished with your morning routine. Somebody’s like “hey Q, my cell phone is my alarm clock tho.” Ok, well, think about investing in an actual alarm clock. If not, set your alarm an hour before bed and turn your alarm off in the morning, and don’t open your phone again until your morning routine is done.

  2. Read! You can finally get into those books you’ve had sitting around for months or years. Reading books and articles will fill your head with valuable information instead of TV and IG images.

  3. Write! Writing creates clarity, clarity precedes genius (thank you, Robin Sharma). Let your imagination run wild. Be a Muppet Baby. Where do you want to go? How do you want to feel? What do you want to do? How would you like to look? Write it down! Then do it again. Hang up notes. Get karma on your side. The “universe” will work for you when you set your intentions.

  4. Exercise! Movement beats meditation. Moving your body is the best way to feel better. It will also open up your mind for creative thinking and get you closer to your health and fitness goals. Don’t close your eyes to think about it, get up and get moving.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments.

Be militant in protecting your mental and physical health. Our January Transformation Challenge starts on January 14th. As of January 3rd we only have 12 more spots available. Move quickly to get your spot. You can sign up on our website, or give us a call if you have questions.

Much Love,

Q. McCohn