Blog — McCohn Muscle



McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- January 2021


It has been a long time since we’ve had the Client of the Month and 2021 felt like a good time to start back up. We’ve had some strong performances at McCohn Muscle to close out 2020. We had four elite performers in our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge. We have people training for special competitions and half marathons. We’ve also had a couple of people endure car accidents and come back stronger than they were before. It’s amazing to see what people are doing here.

We are going to kick off 2021 by celebrating the success of Faiza Haddad. Her mission and IG handle go hand in hand, @tobefitinayear She wanted to drop weight and improve her overall health. Her journey was not easy. At the beginning we just wanted her to be consistent with her training, exercising at the gym three times per week. After a few months she knew she had to make changes to her eating habits for better results. She was eating too many carbs, not eating at the right times, and consuming too much processed food.

Faiza hired help from a nutrition coach to improve her relationship with food, learn how to eat properly and make better decisions. Altogether with her nutrition program and McCohn Muscle Training she has dropped 34lbs, strengthened her body, and decreased her body aches. She also feels less stressed and has more positive energy everyday.

Her goal moving forward is to drop 15 more pounds and tone and strength her arms. She also plans to use what she has learned from her nutrition program to continue her journey of improvement. I asked her what is one piece of advice she would give someone that has been contemplating whether they should start a training program. Her reply:

“start ASAP!!! The sooner you start the better you will feel!!! Find a meal plan that fits your life style that will help get to your results faster. If you have an off day with not going to the gym or not following your meal plan just restart the next day. Consistency is KEY! Results are not overnight, be kind to yourself and your body.”

Congratulations on all the amazing work Faiza. Many people can draw inspiration from your story.

January 2020- McCohn Muscle Client of the Month


Heather’s story began back in 2013 when she started having some pretty serious health issues. After several appointments with doctors and specialists she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. UC is an autoimmune disease where the immune system basically attacks the digestive system, cause inflammation and as you can imagine, some pretty crappy symptoms (yes pun intended haha).

There is no cure for UC, but for most people the disease can be managed through medication, healthy lifestyle, and diet. However, since the disease can't be cured, it's very common to experience flare ups where symptoms become pretty bad as well as periods of remission with little to no symptoms. It was pretty devastating to learn in her mid 20's that she would have a health condition that couldn't be cured, and that it would affect every aspect of her life.

For a long time she was just getting by, but she didn't really have the motivation or energy to do much of anything. Fast forward to January 2018 when she reluctantly signed up for McCohn Muscle's 6 Week Transformation Challenge with Q. McCohn after her coworker (shout out to Astrid) convinced her and another friend to sign up.

Suad, Heather, and Astrid = Team Dynamic

Suad, Heather, and Astrid = Team Dynamic

She was nervous, but also excited to see if the exercise and accountability for healthy eating would help her feel better. Long story short, it did! She felt healthier in 2018 than she felt in a long time- she lost weight, gained muscle and her UC almost seemed like a bad dream.

At the time she was trying to run in several 5Ks throughout the year, and she really wanted to push herself to run a half marathon. It was something she never thought she could do, but her year of working out with Quentin gave her the confidence that she could.

More struggles came while training for her half marathon. Things started getting really stressful for her at work, and the stress from work combined with her ramped-up training schedule caused her UC symptoms to creep back in.

She was in denial since she had been feeling so good the past year. She thought that things would get better quickly, but they did not. During her half marathon she felt so sick she ended up missing her goal by almost 7 minutes. She knew it should have felt like an accomplishment that she pushed through and finished, but she wasn’t feeling the fact that she didn’t achieve something that she had trained so hard for. Then there’s that internal depression or sadness of being sick again after a year of feeling so great. On the outside she looked fit and healthy, but inside she was slowly falling apart.

Things took a turn for the worse on July 4th 2019 when she went to the ER, where she was then admitted to the hospital for 5 days. During this time she lost over 15lbs (including most the muscle she had spent the last year building), and she was told that she would have to have surgery to have her colon removed if things did not get better soon. She was put on a new treatment plan and sent home to work on getting healthy again.

Her road to recovery took a lot longer than she was anticipating. Even as her digestive issues were getting better, she started dealing with severe joint pain and swelling. The iron in her blood dropped to the point where she was close to needing a blood transfusion. Her hair started falling out, and the steroids she was taking cause her to gain 20-25lbs. It was one thing after another and she struggled mentally with getting back to the level she was in the past year.

Even though Heather endured these health challenges, she did not give up on her dream of being the healthy, fit, happy girl from 2018. She knew that if she could get her health back on track, she could have another chance to find that girl again. She could have a another chance to reach her half marathon goal. Even through all the sickness, she was determined to do all she was physically able to.

For a long time, she was only able to take short walks around the block, but her walks gradually got longer and longer until she felt confident enough to go back to the gym. It definitely wasn't easy- there were several weeks where she almost passed out during every workout. The key is: she never gave up.

At McCohn Muscle she approached every workout with intention. She never knew when her health issues would flare back up, so she pushed herself every day to do her best, and she was super motivated to come back stronger that she was before.

She saw the mental focus pay off in November when she got a new 5K personal record that was almost 2 minutes faster than her previous record, and then she beat this record by 30 seconds a week later.

Ask Heather what her journey has taught her and she will likely say that she appreciates how fortunate she is. She takes the time to count her blessings and focusing on the positive helped her get through some pretty rough times. Also realizing in a big way what a negative effect stress can have, it's easier for her to not get worked up over little things.

We have teased her about becoming a Personal Trainer because she is always encouraging others to do and be their best. While training at McCohn Muscle she was able to

  1. experience the relief that she is accomplishing her goals

  2. understand that living with an ailment would not stop her from reaching her goals

  3. learn that illness is temporary, and good health is not something people should be willing to give up on

Now she is back to her dream of being the healthy, fit, happy girl from 2018. She is finding that healthy girl again. She has another chance to reach her half marathon goal, which she is training for now.


This is exactly why we are passionate about health and fitness. There is someone reading this that is struggling with their health just like Heather was, and perhaps you may have even given up on the idea of being that healthy, happy person you once were. Heather is proof that with an ounce of determination, you can change it all around. Let McCohn Muscle help you find the confidence you need. Hit the link below and get more information about our 42 Day Transformation Challenge.


The FOUR Costs When Starting a Training Program

The FOUR Costs When Starting a Training Program

When you start a fitness training program, and are committed to succeeding, it will cost you in four different ways. Let’s discuss what a typical member at our training gym in Columbus, Worthington, Ohio will normally have to endure to get great results.

McCohn Muscle- May 2019 Client of the Month


In January 2018, Chris suffered a horrific injury. He was left with 2 herniated discs in my back: L4-L5 and L5-S1.

The latter of these 2 discs ended up being ruptured (torn) which leaked fluid out and against his right sciatic nerve.  For a few months, his side effects included muscle spasms (down my right leg- once triggered by a simple sneeze which sent him to the ER), constant nerve pain, muscle atrophy, weight gain, and permanent numbness and nerve damage down parts of my right leg and foot.

Chris probably wasn’t flashing this smile while enduring all that pain.

Chris probably wasn’t flashing this smile while enduring all that pain.

After 4 trips to the ER, maxed out insurance visits to Physical Therapy, doctors appointments, and Injections, Chris no longer had pain in his leg on a day to day basis sometime around July/August.

At this point, he felt his injury shouldn't hold him back and that he needed to build up muscle and get back in shape. He tried getting back into the gym 3 times a week on his own, but eventually gave up due to related issues in his back and leg where the nerve symptoms would flare up for a few days or more.

He continued his own program for a couple more months not making much of any progress and at the very end of December he decided he needed a professional to make sure he was lifting properly, pacing himself, and help shed some of the weight he had gained.

At this point he acted with urgency. He knew that one of the best things for compromised spinal discs (per my Neuro surgeon, ruptured discs don't ever fully heal, its all about preventing spillage going forward) is to build up the supporting muscles- back and core.

He found McCohn Muscle online by simply doing a Google map search of trainers near his residence. The numerous online reviews seemed legit and the facility was clean and complete. When he came in for his assessment, he ended up almost passing out and even threw up. He was ready to sign up and leave 2018 in the past where it belongs. 


During the four months he’s been training at McCohn Muscle, Chris says “Hands down, the number one thing that training here provided me in terms of improvement has got to be the technique. I come in and leave with the peace of mind that I am doing exercises properly- with correct form. For me this was crucial because simply bending over or twisting my back incorrectly or lifting even a light dumbbell improperly could have shot my progress back 10 months.”

We took the time to understand his injury from the start, and we made sure that we build his core stability and strength before getting to the fun stuff. He also told us, “you gave me more effective exercises and means to strengthen and relieve my back/nerve issues than my physical therapists did, which I was shocked by. Without you guys there, I would have been going straight for the heavy weights and for sure getting into some trouble. Aside from that, having that extra push for accountability as well as energy which you get from the trainers as well as the other trainee's is priceless.”

So far he’s lost 30lbs and 8% body fat, but more importantly he’s had absolutely no back issues since the first week of training, where as prior to signing up he could have slept funny and woke up needing to lay down for 3 days.

Chris isn’t planning on stopping his training any time soon, and we asked him if he has any advice for someone that has been contemplating starting a training program.

He said, “if you're at the point where you are contemplating whether to start a training program or not, then your wasting your time until you actually do it. You have probably realized the benefits of accountability and professional, certified guidance. Your health is not a joke and you owe it to yourself (and your family if applicable) to do everything you can to improve it. Plus you'll have a damn good time (after the first couple days of soreness)!”
