5 Reasons to Foam Roll


People have written and printed hundreds of reasons why the foam roller is beneficial. A simple web search will lead you to articles of 10, 12, and sometimes 15 reasons why it’s important to foam roll. The scientific research gets technical in it’s explanation, and I don’t want to bore anyway to death, so I am going to simply break down “5 Reasons to Foam Roll.”

  1. Removes knots caused by inactivity (those of you that aren’t exercising and are sitting most of the day) and by repetitive motions (running, weightlifting, biking, sports). Those knots prevent muscles from operating properly which will eventually lead to a gang of issues.

  2. Increased Range of Motion (ROM). When tight muscles are being used they can cause surrounding muscles to become tight as well. This is an example of a chain reaction starting within the body. We want that optimal ROM for better performance in the gym and for our activities.

  3. Helps reduce muscle soreness and promotes recovery. After exercise foam rolling helps recovery by removing knots. It also minimizes the risk of knots forming during the following days of recovery.

  4. It increases blood flow and muscle temperature. Foam rolling is a great primer for workouts. You want your muscles warm before you start training. Understand: even though rolling reduces tightness and increase ROM, you don’t want roll for too long since it can affect the muscle’s ability to contract. So don’t let your phone or conversations with gym friends let you get carried away.

  5. Relaxation and psychological benefits. This is a no brainer. We all could use some relaxation and good brain power. Focus rolling on areas for up to 90 seconds.

McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- March 2021

McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- March 2021

How many grandmas do you know have arm tone like that, seriously? You should see her back muscles, especially when she’s doing pull ups. She started off in one of our 6 Week Transformation programs in 2018. She didn’t have those outstanding results like 10lbs weight loss and 4% body fat loss, but this is where the story of hard work and dedication kicks in. She did drop 10lbs her first year and never gained them back. She keeps her weight under control with hard work and consistency. Her body fat stays in the healthy range under 27%. Her BMI is nowhere near obese, and yes, some of that is her ectomorphic body type; but it’s also hard work and consistency.

Why You Need to Start Our 6 Week Transformation Challenge


The past year has brought the “quarantine 15” into households all over America. People have gained weight due to stress, anxiety, poor nutrition choices and inactivity. One lady said she caught the “quarantine 20.” So Covid-19 has been kind to no one. This is why I am offering you the opportunity to get moving; to get your blood flowing, your brain and your heart activated, and lower some unwanted body fat.

When you work with us you will learn how to workout with weights (correctly), and elevate your physical fitness level. The cardio work we do will strengthen your heart, increase your blood flow and oxygen uptake, as well as boost your immune system and muscular endurance.

The one thing you need to come strapped with is the right mindset. In your attempt to accomplish your goal of a healthier lifestyle and muscle tone. The self confidence you gain will elevate you in all aspects of life. It’s the trainer’s job to hold you accountable. It’s your job to show up, put down your damn cell phone, and focus on your exercise.

Are you ready to make the commitment?

You must know that your nutrition will make or break your plan. When you commit to improved eating habits your body will detox, and your protein intake will cause you to get stronger, recover quicker, and burn more fat. Your fiber intake will decrease your bloating to drop your waist size, and eliminating sugar will help you in every way imaginable. Following our meal plan will ensure success.

Are you ready to make the commitment?

The last reason to join our challenge is to learn how to help your body recover. You will learn how to foam roll. You will learn the stretches for both upper and lower body. You can apply this to your everyday life and over time your aches and pains may decrease while your posture improves.


Email quentin@mccohnmuscle.com to set up a time for your fitness assessment if it’s time for you to drop that quarantine 15.

McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- February 2021


It’s been a challenge to catch up with this guy lately, just like no one was catching up to him when we closed out 2020. He showed all the mettle in December during our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge. He put up the “All American stats by leading all participants in body fat percentage lost and body weight percentage lost. He was 2nd in body weight lost. He also did it while taking care of his eldest dog that got sick.

This can open up an entire discussion itself, because most of us love our dogs. We should all know by now the joy and the love that dogs bring, while also knowing the stress and pain of having one that is sick and dies. To be able to put up BIG TIME stats while going through that challenge is admirable. Habib eliminated sugar from his meals and kept a regimented eating plan, so he lost over 15lbs and 3% body fat in 28 days.

McCohn has been training for over a decade at “dream clients” are the ones that are super competitive, catch on fast, work hard, and take initiative. Habib is the type of guy that could climb a mountain just to outdo himself. He is his toughest competition so he will always have that ability to flip the switch to accomplish amazing things.

Congratulation Habib on being McCohn Muscle’s newest Client of the Month!

Why the 1970s Food Pyramid Doesn't Apply Today?


If you “google” the Food Pyramid, you might read that it started in 1992. This is likely the time America put it into circulation, but it was an invention by the Swedish in the 1970s.

The food pyramid was taught to kids in the school system and parents/adults were trained on it too. It may have provided a balanced diet for those times, but we are in a different place today and that paradigm of thinking is no longer beneficial. Consider first, that your grains, breads, pasta, cereal, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, mullet, etc is sprayed with Monsanto RoundUp glyphosate.

I provided a few links in my last post about RoundUp, so you can check those out. This is a pesticide being sprayed all over our grains and has been connected to every chronic health disease imaginable including: a variety of cancers, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, autism, diabetes, digestive disorders, and many more. It also punishes the soil and our environment.

So to have 6-11 servings a day of foods saturated in glyphosate, is a recipe for immune system disaster. Today these foods (grains, rice, pasta cereal) should be at the very top of the pyramid. Not to mention the majority of these foods in America are genetically modified. That’s a double whammy; genetically modified foods sprayed with poisonous chemicals.

Fruits and vegetables aren’t what they used to be either. The best way, in my humble opinion, to get the most out of your fruits and vegetables is to juice them, them filter the juice. This will significantly decrease the metals from chemtrails and the herbicides/pesticides sprayed on the food from entering your body.

Go get you an $11 30x or 60x scope like the jewelers use. Next time you’re in the produce section comb over all your fruits and vegetables with that scope. You may see some black shiny crystals forming on your apples that shouldn’t be there. You may see the same thing on your green leafy spinach. It’s a travesty, and we should be pissed about it!

I am a believer in consuming more of the fruits with protective coverings, such as: pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, watermelon, banana. But even these fruits can be damaged to the core. Have you ever peeled back an orange that looked fine but was moldy and damaged at it’s core?

This is because of the metals that have penetrated the orange, or better yet, what may have gotten into the orange at the beginning of it’s growth. This issue is caused by the geoengineering of our environment, also known as chemtrails. It damages the soil, our crops, and the air we breath.

Dairy and meat. There used to be many health benefits in meat and dairy, and there still is. Meat/protein is what helps keep our muscles, bones, and cells strong, while providing our bodies with the thermogenic effect to burn fat. The best thing we can do is find meat that hasn’t been loaded with antibiotics and hormones used to stimulate growth. If we purchase the meat that is grass fed instead of corn fed it is a big win for our health.

Our dairy has been messed with tremendously. Raw milk used to be prescribed to handle all kinds of diseases and ailments back in the 1800 and early 1900s. The problem today is that most cows are fed genetically modified corn instead of grass, and the milk from the cow is being pasteurized and homogenized. This is why we have lactose intolerance among other issues when it comes to consuming dairy. Did you know that the good bacteria in probiotic supplements can be found in raw milk. Did you know essential amino acids are packed into cow’s milk? The problem is not the cow, it’s what man has done to the cow.

When it comes to seafood, white fish is where it’s at. Understand when you consume foods like shrimp, calamari, clams, crabs etc. you are consuming the bottom feeders of the ocean. They have the filtering process built in to rid themselves of the waste they eat. Do you have that system?

Obviously you know that dangers of sugar so I won’t touch on that, but lets discuss the oils at the top of the pyramid. It says “use sparingly.” I say if it’s coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, as well as natural butter, use them more than sparingly. Cook your meat and potatoes in these things. Fats also make a great delivery system for essential oils and herbs.

The oils also provide us with healthy calories. They transport your protein, nourish your skin, hair, and nails. Healthy fats also boost heart and brain health. Throw out the canola and vegetable oils, and cook with one of the oils mentioned above or with bison and duck fat.

If you want to schedule a nutrition consultation with McCohn, just email quentin@mccohnmuscle.com and we’ll get you set up. See you in the gym soon!

How Many Meals Should I Eat Per Day? Eating 1-2x Day vs Eating 3-5x Day

Let’s talk about food….let’s discuss some nutrition up in here.

Some of you like intermittent fasting, and I want to explain real quick on why this may be good for you. One reason people have been seeing great results with eating 1-2 meals per day is because their body does not have to process as much food. The digestive system is not constantly working, breaking down food, filtering out the poison. Your digestive system may have to go to work a couple of times a day and this means less blood to the stomach and more for your brain, muscles, and spine.

One of the biggest threats to our health today is toxins in our food. The glyphosates sprayed on your crops and soil, the soy that runs rampant in ingredients of most processed foods, the GMO grains, rice, and cereal. The silica in our supplements that cause all types of mutations to our genetic code, DNA, digestive system, respiratory system, etc. They less we consume the toxins, the less of it our body has to break down or filter out. This may lead to cleaner blood, a stronger heart, a stronger spine, less inflammation, and better brain function.

Eating 3-5 times per day, even if it’s healthy foods like: eggs, egg whites, sweet potatoes, chicken, salads, and beef, will tax your digestive system. Your body will look and feel strong but your organs may be fatigued. So for better health, consider eating less meals. Most of us overeat anyway which leads to those lethargic feelings and bloating in the body. This will just be exacerbating by drug use, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and processed foods. Our liver has enough filtering and processing to do. Perhaps many of us should honor that and give our organs a rest by becoming more food disciplined.

By all means avoid: GMO foods, glyphosate, silica, and soy.




McCohn Muscle Client of the Month- January 2021


It has been a long time since we’ve had the Client of the Month and 2021 felt like a good time to start back up. We’ve had some strong performances at McCohn Muscle to close out 2020. We had four elite performers in our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge. We have people training for special competitions and half marathons. We’ve also had a couple of people endure car accidents and come back stronger than they were before. It’s amazing to see what people are doing here.

We are going to kick off 2021 by celebrating the success of Faiza Haddad. Her mission and IG handle go hand in hand, @tobefitinayear She wanted to drop weight and improve her overall health. Her journey was not easy. At the beginning we just wanted her to be consistent with her training, exercising at the gym three times per week. After a few months she knew she had to make changes to her eating habits for better results. She was eating too many carbs, not eating at the right times, and consuming too much processed food.

Faiza hired help from a nutrition coach to improve her relationship with food, learn how to eat properly and make better decisions. Altogether with her nutrition program and McCohn Muscle Training she has dropped 34lbs, strengthened her body, and decreased her body aches. She also feels less stressed and has more positive energy everyday.

Her goal moving forward is to drop 15 more pounds and tone and strength her arms. She also plans to use what she has learned from her nutrition program to continue her journey of improvement. I asked her what is one piece of advice she would give someone that has been contemplating whether they should start a training program. Her reply:

“start ASAP!!! The sooner you start the better you will feel!!! Find a meal plan that fits your life style that will help get to your results faster. If you have an off day with not going to the gym or not following your meal plan just restart the next day. Consistency is KEY! Results are not overnight, be kind to yourself and your body.”

Congratulations on all the amazing work Faiza. Many people can draw inspiration from your story.

Why "No Dairy" for our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge?

I want to give you guys the reason why there’s no dairy for the 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge.

First of all, like alcohol, I do not think dairy is a bad thing. You guys should know that by now that before the turn of the 21st century physicians would use raw milk to treat people for all types of diseases and ailments. For those of you that take probiotics and branch chain amino acids or essential amino acids, you should know that you can get all those aminos and bacteria in raw milk. It tastes so good too. The milk where the cream rises to the top. So raw milk and raw dairy have been used for a long time to help cure people of ailments.

The problem with dairy products is when they started pasteurizing the milk. The pasteurization process happens when they heat the milk and spin it. I looked online and it said they heated the milk to 145 degrees for 30 minutes. Each manufacturer might do it differently so you should do some research and see what you find out. What happens in the pasteurization process is the bacteria in the milk is killed off but the enzymes in the milk are destroyed as well. This is why a lot of times you hear about dairy causing mucus in the body. They don’t talk about of the cows are shot up with hormones and given antibiotics and things like that. So I don't think milk is bad. I don't think dairy is bad, particularly raw milk and dairy. The problem is when the cow is being pumped full of hormones, antibiotics and toxins. This is going to get into your body, it's going to get into your bloodstream and clog you up.

This is why for the 28 days we're going to make it simple and avoid dairy products. This will allow you to clean out your system from any toxic dairy you may have been consuming. It may be a good idea to make a friend with a farmer, invest some money in a cow and getting some quality, creamy raw milk to boost your health.

Why "No Alcohol" for our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge

What's up friends. Thank you all for joining me. I wanted to talk to you all a little bit about why we won't have alcohol during the buddy challenge. Let me start off first by saying that I don't think alcohol is a bad thing. We all know red wine can strengthen the heart. Also harder liquors like vodka, rum, and brandy can be great carriers for essential oil. They can be used as healing agents. We’ve all seen in the movies where people spit alcohol on the wound or drink alcohol before surgery. This can prevent a lot of pain, and it can also heal the heart.

Let's just talk about some health benefits of wine. First, it's an antioxidant. It can suppress your appetite, so you don't need to eat a lot of food. It has stroke sparing effect on the nerves that could be damaged as a result of strokes. I've heard this before, when you feel like a loved one is going to have a stroke you give them alcohol. You give them heavy alcohol, then red wine. Have you ever heard that before?

In Europe, it's used as anxiety relieving in some hospitals before surgery. Once again, in Europe red wine is used to relieve anxiety before surgery. It removes fat from the system. It can assist in avoiding iron deficiencies. So these are just like a few things, a few benefits. it’s also extremely effective against e-coli and staph infections. Better than conventional drugs used against these things that are only at best 30% effective.

So with all these benefits, why wouldn’t I want people to drink alcohol during the challenge?
First, many of us have abused our digestive system. It's not just with alcohol; it could be excessive alcohol consumption, genetically modified foods, soy, too much sugar, too many fats, too many fried carbohydrates. So these type of things have damaged our digestive system over time. Silica is another one. Your digestive system has to be rolling in order for you to feel healthy.

I know some of my followers have had issues with alcohol. Some drank too much beer, which is highly estrogenic. Some indulge in hard liquor and lose inhibitions or black out.
So I want to make sure that my people have control over alcohol and the alcohol doesn't have control over them. That's the point of going 28 days without it. It’s not all bad. It can be used for good things, but I need to make sure people have control over it. Then when you're done, you celebrate with a drink.

Enjoy the benefits or red wine, like improving your vision and your immune system. Just enjoy in moderation.
Red wine can help prevent lung cancer and lymphoma, colon cancer as well. I do think you should consider learning how to filter you red wine. You can find that on YouTube. It could be very important. I'm always talking about nano. It gets into the grapes and the wine. There are ways to pull this out of your wine, and it’s worth it to take a look.

All right. It's all about self-control. Also, don’t forget to stockpile. Stockpile foods and alcohol. You should have rum, vodka, bourbon, and red wine. You can use these things to protect your respiratory system and your immune system. A shot of vodka with sage, rosemary, and thyme. Hello!!! Shotgun those essential oils right into your system. It’s a beautiful thing. I personally believe this is one of the reasons I don’t get as sick as most people. Last winter was out of control. People all around me were sick. About 50% of my clients or their family members caught the flu. Others believe they had coronavirus. I didn’t get sick one time. Maybe this is one of the reasons why. Alright, I’ll stop bragging. Practice self control with your alcohol. Enjoy the benefits of it instead on over consuming and allowing it to destroy your digestive system. I’ll see you in the gym soon.

Why "No Gluten" for our 28 Day Buddy Detox


First, I want to be very clear, I am not against gluten. I do not think gluten is the issue. I'm just saying “no gluten” to make it as simple for the people who are participating in our 28 Day Buddy Detox Challenge. The real issue in my opinion, is that the food is genetically modified. The food has been genetically altered, and this is what makes it seem like gluten is the issue. The genetically modified foods are really the issue; grains, pasta, cereal, rice, oats, bread.

This is the biggest culprit for bad health. A lot of us are taught and a lot of us think that sugar is our biggest enemy. Sugar will spike your insulin and make you fat. It will make you keep your body weight and body fat on. There's no doubt about that. But when we talk about health, when we talk about diseases, illnesses, and respiratory issues, in my opinion, grains are the number one culprit for all of those issues. This is why I'm such a big advocate for the ketogenic diet. Protein, fats, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid consuming large amounts of grains, bread, oats and things like that because the food has been genetically altered or genetically modified, but then they spray the food with glyphosates.

I want you guys to look up: what are glyphosates?

Silica is in glyphosates. And you guys should know by now I hate silica. I've made about five videos on it. I want you to throw all your supplements away that have silica and silicon dioxide because this stuff gets into your body. Then it can translocate in your body. You consume it, it gets into your stomach. It can go to your liver. It can go to your kidneys. It can go to your lungs. It can come up to your brain and cause all types of issues.

I encourage you guys to go watch a YouTube video. It’s by a guy named Jay Tuck. He used to be a government official, and the title is called “AI is Killing Us.” I want you guys to have a good look at that. Have a good look at reality because when I talk about silica and nano, some of you think I'm crazy and I'm not. There are some people that are crazy for creating this junk.

So what else do grains do? They raise your insulin, which will raise your estrogen level and lower your testosterone. This is the last thing we need, fellas. I’m talking to the men now. This is the last thing we want because it makes us less of a man if you know what I mean. We do not want our estrogen high and our testosterone low. We want the opposite.

So I don't believe gluten has ever been the issue. I think it's the genetically modified foods that are the issue, but just to make things simple, I say no gluten.

A few months ago a young lady came to see me for some training. Her nutrition was jacked up, since she was consuming an excessive amount of rice and corn. Her face was breaking out. She wasn’t fat but she had more body fat than she wanted or needed, and I could tell she wasn’t comfortable with herself. I told her that she needed to stop eating the genetically altered food. I got her to eliminate the rice and her face cleared up. Her body fat started dropping and she got some good muscle tone. She looked great. One day she was talking about her family and she told me that her mom consumes more rice than anybody in the family. She eats if everyday. I told her, your mom is going to get sick. Sure enough, right before they were supposed to leave for vacation, her mom came down with pneumonia.

So I want you to avoid excess grains, rice, pasta, cereal, bread. This is why we're doing no gluten for the 28 Day Buddy Challenge.

Let’s talk about some solutions real quick. I mentioned earlier how grains and bread are going to raise your estrogen levels up and bring down your testosterone. So let's talk about a few home remedies, if you will, that helps block estrogen. One is iodine. There are essential oils like peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme, and savory. Tumeric blocks estrogen as well. Red wine does a good job blocking estrogen, as well as onion and garlic.

If you're looking for a great multi-vitamin or great supplement to help with your respiratory system and to help you get back on track, you want zinc. Personally I like bulk supplements. I order these minerals myself and make my own supplements. It’s hard to trust the health food industry with all their harmful ingredients. Since physicians have tested my clients that have used bulk supplements and asked them about the potency of their “prescription grade” supplements, I know that they are official and work well. Anyway, you want manganese, you want copper and you also should have some magnesium and zinc. Preferably, if you can find these in the chloride form it would be better but I know it is very hard to find. When you get the chloride version of these minerals, they will go and nourish you on a cellular level.

All right. So that's all I got. Y'all be good. Peace.